Parent Pay
We are working towards becoming a cash-free environment, using the on-line payment system called ‘ParentPay’
This is the same system that is used at the secondary school, RWBA. Parents who need to continue making payments by cash may do so using the PayPoint network at local convenience stores or by pre-arrangement to the school office. We will provide you will full details on how to activate your account.
Text & Email Services
At Noremarsh we use a texting service to communicate with parents, including sharing links to letters. It is really important that we have your most up-to-date contact details to ensure that you do not miss any communications from us.
Please let the office know as soon as possible if your contact details and mobile phone number have changed. By emailing or calling 01793 852250.
After School Clubs and Wrap Around Care
At Noremarsh we do not currently offer breakfast and after school club on site. A small minority of our children attend ACE Out of School club who can be contacted here:
There are also local child minders that are used, which our current parent community will be able to help you with.
Throughout the year we offer a range of after school clubs run by our own teaching team and by outside providers. We will contact parents via text message/letter to let them know what is currently available.
Please contact Mrs Beard in the school office for details of current clubs.